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The maximum allowable load in itself is 30 kg.
In the routine maintenance of the cabinet doors, a soft piece of cloth and a specific detergent or a simple piece of micro-fiber cloth can be used. Liquid detergent or glass cleaner can be used with a soft brush or sponge to remove stubborn dirt. All traces are removed by means of a dry cloth with detergent to prevent the scattering of the spots and the loss of gloss of the surface.
Since the polished surfaces are not as durable as flat surfaces, the cleaning process should be done more carefully. Old and dried stains that cannot be removed by clear water, soap, glass cleaner can be removed through vinegar without rubbing. The best cleaning tool for the surfaces is the cleaners used in glass cleaning. Wipe the surface by spraying the surface or pouring it onto a very soft cloth and dry it again with a soft cloth.
Cabinet doors covered by natural wooden must also be cleaned carefully. As it is known, wood is a living material. Excessive moisture can cause wood deformations. The wood used in your kitchen is designed in harmony with room temperature of 18-21 and 50-70% relative humidity. It may differ even after the wood colors used and all surface treatments performed. However, we evaluate each kitchen to give it a unique character.
Don’t: Do not use steel wool parts, products containing abrasive creams, powder detergents, and acetone that destroy the brightness of the surface. Do not drop hard and sharp objects on the surface. Do not leave water on the benchtop and in the edge areas after use of the wash basin.
Do not apply ink and alkaline cleaners on a polished wooden surface. Dry the water immediately preventing the penetration on the polished surface.
The cleaning of cabinet doors produced by natural coatings should be made carefully with the damp cloths and non-scratching cleaners without rubbing in the direction of the fiber of the wood. In natural wood, it is necessary to protect the surfaces from direct sunlight, which causes color changes. Otherwise, it will lose its natural color regardless of its polish.
The bodies of the cabinets, which form our kitchens, are as durable as possible against water leakage and moisture. Polyurethane adhesives, which show high resistance to water and heat, have been used on the edges of the tray.
Although our kitchens are very durable, we also have small tasks to protect this positive thing.
Cleaning: It is very simple to clean the shelves and bodies with a soft cloth or micro – fiber cloth.
Granite and Quartz Benchtops
Granite benchtops are resistant to abrasion, breakage and impact due to their tight, dense structure.
Cleaning: You can apply regular care with mild detergents or alcohol on the granite benchtop. When stains occur, they should be wiped as quickly as possible. Otherwise, it absorbs stains absolutely within 2-3 weeks. Even if the entire household rubs offs, they cannot remove the stain on the polished surface.
Don’t: Do not leave tomatoes, citrus fruits and other fruits which include citric acid on the benchtop. If there is interaction with the benchtop, it will remove its original polish. Do not leave the dishes, oils, wine, vinegar accidentally spilled on it.
Marble Benchtops
Marble benchtops (calcium carbonate CaCO3), which is a special composition, should be used with more care for their care and protection.
Cleaning: Clean surfaces only with warm soapy water, avoiding liquid detergents. Remove spilled food immediately without waiting. Red wine, lemon juice, cola, fatty foods, vinegar, coffee, fruits and vegetables can cause stains that are very difficult to remove.
Don’t: Do not make any spot caused by hot on the benchtop, do not leave hot pots and pans directly on the benchtop.
Measure: Pay attention to foods containing citric acid (e.g. tomato, fruit, etc.), if you allow chemical reaction, it will remove the polish on the marble.
Acrylic Based Benchtops
Acrylic and natural minerals in its composition are environmentally friendly. They are not harmful in any way, raw materials in the composition are used in the field of health. Marble granules, synthetic materials, cement and resin are among the materials that it includes. Impact, thermal shock and resistance to chemicals provide comfort in use. It is homogeneous.
Cleaning: It has a silky surface and it is easy to clean thanks to its non-porous surface and jointless combination. It can be easily cleaned with detergent water and cloth. Heavy stains, scratches and burn marks can be repaired with a simple rubbing process. Remove spilled food immediately without waiting. Red wine, cola, fatty foods, vinegar, coffee, fruit and vegetables can cause stains that are very difficult to remove.
Don’t: Do not make any spot caused by hot on the benchtop, do not leave hot pots and pans directly on the benchtop.
Measure: Pay attention to foods containing citric acid (eg tomato, fruit, etc.), if you allow chemical reaction, it will remove the polish on the marble.
Laminate Benchtops
It is produced by placing undercoating laminate with the same thickness and the drip profile in the front section. Aluminum can be framed. It is resistant to water, steam, high temperature, staining, impact, wear.
Cleaning: The laminate should be wiped off with a soft, damp cloth without much rubbing after each use to avoid stains on the benchtop surfaces. Liquid cleaner without liquid soap and heavy alkaline elements can be used if desired. After cleaning with liquid soap, the surfaces should be rinsed again with a damp cloth so that no soap remains. In removing stubborn stains such as adhesive paint, ink; dilute spirits and gas oil can be used.
However, since such materials are burnable and flammable, you must be very careful during use and mustn’t open the windows.
Lime rash stains can be prevented with warm water and small amounts of vinegar. For stubborn stains, very little acid-containing detergents are recommended.
Ballpoint pen stains can be cleaned using alcohol.
Don’t: Do not use products such as steel wool parts, products containing abrasive creams, dust detergents, etc. that destroy the brightness of the surface. Never use benchtop surfaces as cutting surfaces. Do not place any pots directly on the benchtop when the base is hot. Do not drop hard or sharp objects on the surface of the benchtop. Protect the the joints on the laminate benches (especially the sink, skirting zone) from water as far as possible and do not allow water to accumulate on the benchtop and don’t leave the benchtop without drying after each use.
Measurement: We recommend spray glass cleaners as the ideal cleaning material. For effective results, these materials should be applied with a soft cloth, after spraying with equal and small amount of spray to the entire surface, without focusing on a point and spreading over the whole surface. If you cannot remove stains, please contact the point of sale without further damage.
The maximum allowable load in itself is 35 kg. The maximum load that the upper cabinets can carry is 90 kg, regardless of their volume. In the upper cabinets, it is better not to put more than the load that they can carry, and it will be better to spread the ones with more weight on the undercounter cellars.
The maximum allowable load in itself is 30 kg.
Organize Büyük Sanayi Bölgesi
2. Cadde 9. Street,
Famagusta / North Cyprus
Tel : +90 392 444 65 15
E-Mail : info@arredocyprus.com
Arredo Design is a Dovec Group company.